Friday March 25, 2016

Devastating Teacher Cuts Highlight Need to Support OKC Public Schools

“A catastrophic crisis revenue situation” is how Oklahoma City Public Schools superintendent Rob Neu described the financial dilemma caused by the state revenue shortfall. Neu announced OKCPS is cutting 208 teaching positions to save $8 million, the result of a seven percent reduction in state education funding. More cuts are likely as the state deals with a $1.3 billion budget hole in the next fiscal year.

The continued cuts to public education are devastating. I am confident the leadership at OKCPS is doing everything possible to minimize the negative effects on our students, but it is a very difficult scenario. Now, more than ever before, it is critical that we as a community link arms and accept responsibility for every student in OKCPS.

There are many ways to offer support to teachers and students. We need every community partner to take action by giving of their time, talent and treasure to fill in the gaps created by these mandatory cuts. This is our city and these are our kids.

– Mary Mélon
President and CEO

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