Tuesday June 7, 2016

Foundation Recognizes Outstanding OKCPS Supporters

Every year, The Foundation recognizes people and organizations that show exceptional commitment to help provide the best learning experience possible for students in Oklahoma City Public Schools. It’s not just teachers who make a difference in students’ lives. We recently saluted some of those important people for their contributions to OKCPS and its students – Super Support Staff, Perfect Partners in Action and Valuable Volunteers.

Super Support Staff: Presented to staff of the Oklahoma City Public Schools who have shown special commitment to providing a positive learning experience for students.

Noelia Moreno, ELL Assistant Teacher at Jackson Enterprise Elementary School. Noelia helped students during her breaks, offered her church for families in need and taught dance lessons after school.

Perfect Partners in Action: Presented to community partners whose efforts have created outstanding support that positively impacted the quality of education in Oklahoma City Public Schools.

Harvest Assembly of God Church. Supported Van Buren Elementary School for three years by providing transportation and chaperones for field trips, proctoring during testing, delivering Christmas baskets to families, volunteering at school events, providing meals for teachers, staff and students, and more. Pictured (left to right): Tina Ryan and Travis Jenkins, church members, and Van Buren Elementary School principal Amparo Macias.

Perfect Partners in Action – Honorable Mention: Walmart I-240 Service Road. Richard Morris of Walmart with Heather Zacarias, principal of Adams Elementary School. The Walmart I-240 Service Road donated hundreds of dollars in school supplies, sponsored reading events, donated meals to teachers for late-night parent-teacher conferences and gave each grade level $100 gift cards.

Valuable Volunteers: Presented to volunteers who have shown outstanding dedication and commitment to students and quality education in Oklahoma City Public Schools.

Ginger Johnson at Eugene Field Elementary School. Ginger organized 2nd and 3rd grade book club, organized volunteers for a literacy night and helped with school events. Pictured (left to right): Erin Bellamy of the Foundation for Oklahoma City Public Schools and Ginger Johnson.

Billy Hargrave at Linwood Elementary School. Billy helped with lunch and recess duty, school and classroom activities, and transitioned students throughout the school. Erin Bellamy of The Foundation presented a check for $500 to Billy for Linwood Elementary.

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