Tuesday October 18, 2016

Foundation Thanks Community for Raising $140,000 to Coat-A-Kid

OKLAHOMA CITY (Oct. 18, 2016) – As cooler temperatures arrive, Oklahoma City Public Schools and The Foundation for Oklahoma City Public Schools are already distributing coats to students in need, thanks to money raised for Coat-A-Kid.

The district and The Foundation reached the goal of raising $140,000 to ensure more than 7,000 Oklahoma City Public Schools students will have a coat to keep them warm. OKCPS is the state’s largest school district, with 46,000 students; 90 percent of them live at or below the poverty line.

“We sincerely appreciate everyone in our community who stepped up and donated to ensure our students would not go without a winter coat this year,” said Mary Mélon, president and CEO of The Foundation for Oklahoma City Public Schools. “Meeting this basic necessity helps our students focus on learning.”

“While we celebrate this fundraising milestone, we remember there are still kids in need and more work to be done,” said Melon. “This is a need that is very difficult to fill completely, and we hope the community will focus on helping throughout the year.”

The Foundation welcomes volunteers to witness the smiles and joy experienced when students receive their new winter coats. To help distribute coats throughout the district, contact Alta Price, manager of outreach and programs for The Foundation, at alta@okckids.com or (405) 604-5977.

Concerned citizens can still donate online at www.oksps.org/CoatAKid or send a check to The Foundation for Oklahoma City Public Schools with Coat-A-Kid in the memo.

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