Friday April 22, 2022

Stars of Education Inspire Students to Dream More and Become More

John Quincy Adams once said, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.” The 2018 Oklahoma City Public Schools Teacher of the Year Anthony Chancellor shared this quote in his acceptance speech, with one heart-felt addition. He added, “This statement would be just as true if Adams had ended with…you are a teacher”.


It has been a few years since Chancellor made that speech. He now works as an instructional coach for Oklahoma City Public Schools, so is working as both a teacher and a leader for the district. As we move towards the end of another school year that has been filled with challenges for many students and families as they navigate the post pandemic world, it is also a good time to reflect on the fact that it has been a very challenging year for everyone involved in education. Teachers have again been front and center, but support staff, principals and district administrators have also continued to innovate and lean in to this new normal that always seems to be changing. They do this while staying focused on their primary goal- doing what’s best for kids.


This is the time of year when the recognition of the Sam and Charolet Shirley Outstanding Principal Award Winners, as well as support staff, volunteers and community partners of the year are all recognized as part of The Oklahoma City Public Schools Foundation’s Stars of Education program. In addition to these awards, one of nine finalists will be named OKCPS Teacher of the Year at a virtual event on May 5.


Stars of Education gives the community an opportunity to thank nine outstanding teachers for their dedication and excellence to their profession. It’s important to acknowledge that each school site is filled with deserving and hard- working teachers. Each school site is also filled with dedicated and hard-working support staff.  And, all are supported by district staff and leaders committed to them and to our students.


Is it always perfect? No. Are there needed improvements? Absolutely. But, in a time when there is so much acrimony about public education and seemingly endless legislative funding battles, it’s important to remember the 34,000 students in Oklahoma City Public Schools and the nearly 5,000 individuals working every day to inspire them to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more. They are all Stars of Education.




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