Wednesday November 16, 2022

Say Yes to Grateful

Thank you, OKC. You turned out on November 8 and passed both propositions in the Oklahoma City Public Schools bond package. Prop One passed with 64 percent and Prop two with 62 percent. Getting both past the super majority 60 percent mark is no easy feat. It speaks volumes about the strength of the bond package and the campaign. But most importantly, it says that Oklahoma City citizens believe that our kids, all kids, should have world class opportunities for innovative and positive learning environments.

Creating these new learning environments in the form of new school buildings, flex spaces and building upgrades are huge investments that are only possible through a bond. While general maintenance, electrical work, plumbing, roofing, heating and air conditioning replacement may not seem very exciting, they too can only be done with bond dollars. And, buses, furniture, fixtures, technology, safety features, arts, athletic and band equipment, and so much more are the final pieces of the bond puzzle.

OKCPS hasn’t had a bond election since 2016, and that one was small and primarily focused on maintenance and transportation. This bond, however, is a great start in bringing OKCPS up to the standards of neighboring school districts. Anyone who has spent much time in OKCPS school buildings understands why the investment is important for our kids, but we also can’t underestimate the impact it will have on the dedicated educators and staff who work in these buildings.

As excited as we are, it’s important to remember that the needs of our kids won’t all be filled through this bond alone. The complex work of our school district, the OKCPS Foundation and our partners must continue. OKCPS will continue educating, transporting, feeding and meeting the many needs of our 34,000 students every school day. At the Foundation, we’ll stay aligned with our district and community. We’ll continue our focus on providing innovative support to teachers through DonorsChoose, recruiting and developing teachers and leaders through our “grow your own” pipeline programs, connecting community partners with schools in need, and advocating for policies and issues that are good for public education.

The Oklahoma City Public Schools Foundation is focused on the future. From innovative classroom support to developing the teachers and leaders of tomorrow, our goal is to help meet the needs of our school district – all while celebrating the diversity that makes us so special. It’s an exciting time to be part of Oklahoma City Public Schools, and we’re proud of the positive momentum we’ve achieved with your support, and what that means for the more than 34,000 students we serve. Please visit to learn how you can make a difference. Our kids – and our city – are depending on us.

It’s important to celebrate this moment and show our gratitude. Our schools can’t do it alone and you’ve shown up in a big way. Great schools mean great neighborhoods and great neighborhoods create great cities. Thank you for investing in our city. Thank you for believing in our kids.

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