Friends of the Foundation

Your monthly investment can change lives

The Oklahoma City Public Schools Foundation supports Oklahoma City Public Schools, the largest school district in our state. We believe every child should have the opportunity to flourish. Through our work to advance excellence, advocate for equity, and build strong community support, we are focused on lasting change for Oklahoma City Public Schools, our students and teachers.

We need advocates willing to invest in our mission.

We need you.

Our Friends of the Foundation giving program provides hope and opportunity for every child in our district for as little as $10 a month. Your monthly investment allows us to plan for the future and keep our programs operating with consistency and sustainability.

Investor Impact & Benefits

Advocate: $10 per month
Guardian: $25 per month
Pioneer: $50 per month
Pillar: $100 per month
Legacy: $250 per month

Become a Friend of the Foundation

Questions? Please contact us at (405)604-5977

The aim of ReadOKC is to instill the love of reading in OKCPS students and in our community by facilitating Reading Challenges over school breaks, placing ReadOKC Volunteers to meet weekly with designated students as a Reading Buddy or Book Club leader, and increasing access to reading materials through Little Libraries and the ReadOKC On the Go! Book Bus.

Teacher and Leader Pipeline Programs

The OKCPS Foundation is committed to developing and retaining current Oklahoma City Public School teachers by providing financial and academic support to Pipeline Program participants. The Bilingual, Diversity, and High School Pipelines work to grow a teacher workforce that mirrors the student population, and the Bilingual/Diversity Aspiring Administrator Pipeline puts OKCPS teachers on track to earn an MA in Educational Leadership and become school administrators.

Partners in Action

Partners in Action creates connections between community partners and schools in OKCPS, forming meaningful relationships and making a lasting impact.


DonorsChoose is an innovative way for community members to directly support teachers, classrooms and students. Teachers are able post requests varying from basic classroom needs to dream projects, and donors select the projects they wish to support.


Caring community members can support OKCPS students in need by contributing to the Coat-a-Kid program. Ensuring that students have a warm coat keeps them safe and increases attendance during cold weather months.





A Special Thank You to the Friends of the Foundation
Legacy Level:
  • Ed & Jodi Sanchez
Pillar Level:
  • James & Dayna Boggs
  • Robin Byford
  • Jason & Tami Constable
  • Jimmy Duncan
  • Renina Forshee
  • Rafael & Pia Garcia
  • Brent Hensley
  • Mary Mélon-Tully
  • Jennifer Schultz
  • Nathan Shirley
  • Griffin Templeton & Emily Busey-Templeton
Pioneer Level:
  • Jane Anderson
  • Christine Berney
  • Jennifer Bowman
  • Jennifer Brown
  • Newt Brown
  • Stephen & Gabrielle Butler
  • Karen Chadwell
  • James Harl
  • Kelli Hayward Walsh
  • Richard Lofgren
  • Sean & Traci McDaniel
  • Catherine O’Connor
  • Todd Pauley
  • Ellen Pogemiller
  • Joaquin Selva & Hannah Baumgartner
  • Alison Taylor
Guardian Level:
  • Toni Allen
  • Daniel Billingsley
  • Madeline Budda
  • Ryan and Mallory Carter
  • Bryan Duke
  • Michelle Elia
  • Ashley Fitzpatrick
  • Beth Harrison
  • David Kimmel
  • Kendra Loper
  • Bonnie Lopez
  • Gerald McCoy
  • Mark McCoy
  • Dan Moore
  • Jeffrey Perry
  • Fawn Sachleben
  • Katy Saint
  • Candace Smith
  • Gary Tredway
  • Clay & Abbie Vaughan
  • Lizette Williamson
Advocate Level:
  • J.D. Baker
  • Ryan Bates
  • Madeline Bentley
  • Morgan Brammer
  • Lauren Doyle
  • Perrin Duncan
  • Bradley Fritch
  • AJ Griffin
  • Austin Hamm
  • Carla Harry
  • Vicki Hayward
  • Mady Hendryx
  • Brenda Hernandez
  • Megan Johnson
  • Reed Karkula
  • Matt Kaufmann
  • Kate Krodel
  • Justin Lawrence
  • Missy Linville
  • Kalin March
  • Galilea Martinez
  • Megan Muir
  • Zac Muir
  • Levi Nuckols
  • Sandy Pantlik
  • Kim Pennington
  • Darcy Peterson
  • Maggie Shaffer
  • Jabar Shumate
  • Debra Smith
  • Lily Terry
  • Zachary Terry
  • Shaun Witt
  • Kimberley Worrell



Tax Classification:

Oklahoma City Public Schools Foundation is a private, non-profit corporation under IRS tax code 501(c)(3) with the mission of creating community ownership in the success of every child. The Foundation abides by national standards for school foundations and stays current with laws governing nonprofits. We are a permanent organization that is governed by a local board of directors. All fundraising and investment activities of The Foundation are limited to benefiting the Oklahoma City Public School District. The Foundation receives gifts of cash, securities, bequests and beneficiary designations under revocable trusts, deferred gifts (such as bequests), life insurance, and life income agreements and charitable remainder trusts. Other gifts or donated properties may be subject to review prior to acceptance.

Donate to the 2024 Coat-a-Kid campaign today