Letters From Mary

Visit weekly for the latest thoughts from Mary Mélon-Tully, President and CEO of the Foundation.

Letters From Mary

Where Should Teachers Focus?

All children have the ability to learn. That is a fact. But, creating an environment where all children arrive at school each day ready to learn and equipped with the tools they need to be successful is about equity. Generational poverty plays a huge role in access to resources and expecting schools to fill all

Letters From Mary

Who Will Take Care of Us

“Miss Mary, who will take care of us when they take our parents away?” This was a real question I received from a 7th grade student at Roosevelt Middle School last week. I visit Roosevelt each week as part of ReadOKC’s Book Club/Reading Buddies program, where the Oklahoma City Public Schools Foundation pairs adult volunteers

Letters From Mary

Behavior Is Communication

Oklahoma City Public Schools accepts, welcomes and nurtures all kids. Kids who have special needs. Kids who have behavioral issues. Kids who have mental health issues. Kids who have experienced trauma. Kids who are English Language Learners. It is the responsibility of educators to find the best course to serve the whole child and see

Letters From Mary

The Science of Reading and Community

The data continues to tell us we need to do better for our kids. Nationally, almost 70% of low-income fourth grade students cannot read at a basic level (May 2023). In Oklahoma, 76% of fourth graders cannot read on a basic level according to NAEP scores (National Association of Educational Progress, May 2022). In Oklahoma

Letters From Mary

It’s Hot So It’s Time to Coat-a-Kid

It’s July and it is hot outside. Yes, it happens every year. And every year about this time everything starts ramping up for back to school time – it’s everywhere. For many families it is a very exciting time as shopping commences for new school clothes and the coveted new school supplies. But, every year

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Community Approach to Solve Chronic Absenteeism

A previous column published on March 13, 2024 highlighted the strategic work happening in Oklahoma City Public Schools to combat chronic absenteeism. The focused plan, which included attendance advocates, incentives (some provided by the OKCPS Foundation) and regular monitoring and other strategies, allowed for great improvement the first half of this past school year. Elementary

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