
Logo for Donors Choose

DonorsChoose is an innovative way for the community to support teachers, classrooms and students.

The mission of DonorsChoose is to make it easy for anyone to help a teacher in need, moving us closer to a nation where students in every community have the tools and experiences they need for a great education. Our partnership with encourages creative thinking, builds support and puts resources directly into OKCPS classrooms.

In 2019, the Foundation created the First Donation initiative which awards every OKCPS teacher $150 to put toward their first project of the school year. The $150 First Donation funding provided by the Foundation is automatically applied to every teachers’ first project posted after July 1, no matter the cost, materials or subject area.

Support a classroom

The Oklahoma City Public Schools Foundation has partnered with DonorsChoose, a 21st century approach to connecting donors to directly support local classrooms. Through DonorsChoose, teachers are empowered to request funding for innovative projects and basic needs for their classrooms.

Become an OKCPS Foundation volunteer