OKCPS Foundation receives $24,000 grant from the Oklahoma City Community Foundation Opportunities for Children Community Grant Program

OKLAHOMA CITY (June 17, 2024) – The Oklahoma City Public Schools Foundation is pleased to announce it has received a $24,000 grant from the Oklahoma City Community Foundation through its Opportunities for Children Community Grant program. The grant will be used to assist in funding book purchases for the OKCPS Early Childhood Education Beautiful Beginnings program and the ReadOKC On the Go! Book Buses, which will allow the OKCPS Foundation to provide a new book to each child that participates in these programs.

“Thanks to this generous grant, we will be able to help OKCPS families build their home libraries with high-quality, high-interest reading materials,” said Mary Mélon-Tully, OKCPS Foundation President and CEO. “We are so grateful for the support of the Oklahoma City Community Foundation and for their commitment to serving our district’s teachers, students and families.”

This grant is part of more than $329,000 awarded to 28 programs in the metro area that provide direct services for children birth to age 14 and offer access to enrichment opportunities that otherwise would not be available.

Founded in 1969, the Oklahoma City Community Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity that works with donors to create charitable funds that will benefit our community both now and in the future. An initiative of the Oklahoma City Community Foundation Trustees, the Community Grants program, uses gifts from donors to support services for children, older adults, to enhance culture and community, and to provide access to health care. To learn more about the Oklahoma City Community Foundation, visit www.occf.org.


The Oklahoma City Public Schools Foundation, celebrating its 40th anniversary this year,  is a nonprofit organization with a mission to advance excellence, advocate for equity, and build strong community support for Oklahoma City Public Schools. The Foundation works closely with the district and community to align strategies and priorities for sustained performance improvements for students and staff. To learn more about the Foundation’s focus areas, as well as volunteer and giving opportunities, visit www.okckids.com.


Beth Harrison | Gooden Group | 405-625-5258 | bharrison@goodengroup.com

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